"Dope" Review

"If I told you I killed a nigga at 16, would you believe me? Or see me to be, the innocent Kendrick you seen in the street With a basketball and some Now-and-Laters to eat, If I mentioned all of my skeletons, would you jump in the seat? Would you say my intelligence now is great relief? And its safe to say our next generation maybe could sleep With dreams of being a lawyer or doctor, Instead of a boy with a chopper, that hold the cul-de-sac hostage?" That verse from Kendrick Lamar's "mAAd city" shows off the inescapable duality of the black youth--the one that allows us to be viewed through one set of eyes as the "good" or "safe" kind of black through our personalities or manner of speech, while an entirely different pair could see us as merely gangsters or thugs just for our clothing choices, even though more often than not we all have similar backgrounds, and any of us could be forced at any time to do less than savory things ...