(Live) Song of the Day - Masami Okui - Chaos (!)

And, here we are with the start of the OTHER new column at JiH. Basically, I'm a huge music buff. If I can vibe to it, I want it. But that means a lot of the songs I like just won't have videos, plus there's way too many to just do one a day, so I'm doubling up. This column will be for the songs that don't actually have a music video since, for whatever reason, they weren't granted "single" status. So, give the jump a quick click and see what Santa Sage has for you today.

I've said this in a column elsewhere, but I'm absolutely in love with Masami Okui and her voluminous body of fantastic work. She's a superb artist who doesn't get enough credit for being so awesome, and one of my favorite albums of hers is her sixth, entitled Neei. For whatever reason, the J-Pop Queen had slowly been moving away from her pop roots with every album after her first, with Neei being almost pure rock.

My absolute favorite of the songs on this album is entitled Chaos. I don't know why, but everytime I hear it, I get so excited. Its got so much soul and raw emotion stuffed inside of it, and you honestly don't have to know what she's saying to catch the song's meaning, but to enrich the experience, the lyrics (and a translation!*) can be found here.

Anyway, forget me...time for the main presentation~! I present to you, Masami Okui's Chaos!

Sage's Note: Wow, the translation has been redone, and for the better. ....And its scary how much I can relate to it.


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