The Importance of Getting The Details Right: Netflix's Iron Fist

My friends and I watched Iron Fist last weekend, despite all the middling reviews I'd seen littered over the internet. Already by the time we started Friday night it felt like it had gone past harsh reviews to kicking a dead horse. But we gave it a shot anyway, and I was...unimpressed, to put it mildly. The series has a very slow start, a decent middle, and an utterly garbage ending. Danny's naivete goes far past being charming into making him look like a child, while the Meachum plot takes center stage often enough and in enough episodes that they're almost co-main characters. I didn't want to believe it. When the poor reviews came out, I wanted to write them off as people being merely frustrated by Marvel's choice to go with a white Danny Rand rather than an Asian-American, a popular sentiment around the time the internet was speculating who would play the titular character. But no, the show is simply mediocre, and easily the worst of the...