Sage's Next Anime...

Love this universe. Tsukasa Hojo creates such a unique universe--one in which the hero Saeba Ryo can be both the biggest bad-ass and the goofiest pervert in all of Japan. ("You don't live very long if you cross the City Hunter.") With the exception of Kaori, every recurring character in this series is a joy to see return. (Even Kaori has her moments.)

The first 52 episodes are almost like a perfected way to write a series with a formulaic plot without ever FEELING formulaic. Nearly every episode Ryo's just saving a beautiful lady from people trying to kill her, or kidnap her, or whatever, and in most of them they fall in love with Ryo.

...And yet, despite that, each episode always seems brand-new and interesting. The details for each case are so different that you can marathon the series and not get bored.

And that's why I'm going back for the second round. From the opening, it looks like we'll be seeing more of Saeko, which isn't a bad thing. (Though Ryo's never going to get the panties.)


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