Bottom of the Pile: April 26th, 2017

This one's for the continuity freaks. Action Comics And just like that, in twenty pages, the New 52 "reboot" is eliminated. Bleeding Cool talked about it earlier this week and it seems to be true: Dan Jurgens has folded both the pre-Flashpoint timeline as well as N52 together into one giant timeline. Sort of . The reality is that things are more pre-Flashpoint now than they are N52. Lois wouldn't have revealed his identity in this timeline. It's doubtful Superman "became Doomsday". And the whole "two Supermen" stories are pretty much done now; there's only ever been one Clark. But all isn't exactly restored. As Clark has the Fortress recall his history for him, they flashback to his "death" and the replacements that took over for him: Steel, Cyborg Superman, and Eradicator. Only...there's one missing: Kon-El/The Kid himself, Superboy. He's nowhere in Superman's memories, and with a recap th...