7 Thoughts on Uchuu Sentai Kyuuranger Space 29: "The Strongest Warrior of the Orion System"

Remember how I said this team hadn't really been tested yet?  Yeeeahhh, it looks like that's coming to an end.

I was wondering exactly what Earth was going to do with Naga and Akyanba free to do whatever they want while the Kyuuranger were in the past, but this actually solves that nicely.  As it turns out, without special equipment the Horologium Kyu Globe can only transport one person—and of course, that’s Lucky.  Which kinda makes you wonder why he didn’t go the first time but that might be asking too many questions.

The real question is:couldn’t all of this occur in an instant?  Like, can’t you return to the exact point you left from?  This is why fictional characters always says they hate time travel.

2.) So after being used twice—even though it was given three hundred years to recover, the Horologium Kyu Globe basically evaporates as soon as Lucky makes it to the past.  Later in the episode, Orion points out that they beat Jark Matter with 88 Elite Warriors but if they did they clearly didn’t try to use the Kyu Globes to do it.  The vast majority of them are useless, and one of the few that isn’t has a freaking break limit.

Still, this means that Horologium can’t be spammed, and that’s actually a good thing.  Otherwise you’d be asking why they wouldn’t just undo certain ba things that happened.  Though I am wondering how they go back home.

3.) From the moment Tsurugi revealed he’d battled and defeated the Vice-Shoguns in the past but they weren’t nearly as strong, I’d wondered what they looked like in the past.   They do a good job here of giving us some slight visual differences here—Tecchu added a chain mace to his armor while Akyanba’s dress style altered—while still leaving each general easily recognizable.  

Having said that, the three of them together are a fearsome force—the group spends most of the episode struggling against the Vice-Shoguns.  It almost breaks my rule of Sentai heroes being able to beat anyone they’ve faced before—except they aren’t quite the exact same version?  The real question is…how exactly is this group alive, when Tsurugi supposedly killed them once already?  It seems like Jark Matter never really went down in the first place…

4.) Traveling back to the past, we get to meet one of Tsurugi’s oldest friends—Orion, the strongest warrior of the…Orion system.  Ah, we’ll cut them a break.  Unlike Tsurugi’s other friend, this guy’s actually pretty strong, and stands head to head with the Vice-Shoguns without transforming or anything. 

We get a bit of his backstory, learning that his family is hidden away somewhere in the Lion system, and it’s at that point you remember that Lucky’s from the Lion system and you realize there’s a 99.9% chance Lucky is Orion’s descendant…and an 80% chance given all the time BS that he’s somehow Orion’s son.  Either way, count on this being the reason why Lucky’s got a new form coming soon.  Speaking of…

5.) Kyu Globe Update: ….???   Nah but seriously, as the group is kicking the collective asses of all the Vice-Shoguns in one of the best choreographed fight scenes of the series so far, Lucky and Orion team together and this strange device starts to appear above their heads.  This is almost definitely the long-awaited Orion Kyu Globe, and I’m glad they didn’t give it to them yet because they’re not quite in a pinch big enough to warrant their most OP character getting a power-up.
6.) ….Or you know, they weren’t.  But Don Armage decided to make his first appearance on the show with a bang, shooting Lucky right through his torso, shattering the Kyuuranger armor and leaving him incapacitated, at the very least.   That’s going to leave a mark.  The show doesn’t really have the balls to kill a character off anymore, which is a shame because knocking off a Red would be the strongest move any Sentai villain has ever managed.

7.) Next Episode: The team finally goes up against Don Armage!  But do they finally learn how the Shogun of Jark Matter is even still alive?  Also, when all hope seems lost…a “new” power takes the stage. 

See you next week~


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