Anime Weeklies: Dragon Ball Super

This Vegeta pic is my reaction to most Dragon Ball Super episodes: slightly annoyed indifference. The good side to Dragon Ball Super, lately: Vegeta punching everything in its stupid face. The bad side to Dragon Ball Super, lately: ...EVERYTHING ELSE. Zamasu and Goku Black are basically villain versions of Boring Invincible Protagonists. At a certain point, it's not even realistic to see the heroes triumph when the villains keep coming up with more powerful techniques that they're asspulling seemingly from NOWHERE. This episode featured Goku Black literally slicing a hole in reality itself and from that hole sprouted Majin Buu-esque clouds that would form into wannabe Goku Blacks. Where'd he get this technique? According to him, the "depths of his anger". This is only marginally better than when Hit was inexplicably using his technique at better and better levels because "he'd never wanted to before". And this is before you get to the ...