2010 Anime...Sanjou!

Wow. Its all late and everything, and here I am typing this update. I should be sleeping, but I noticed other sites were actually getting their Anime Picks things up first, and that's just embarrassing since normally as soon as Chartfag gets his chart up I'm working on the list. You all will really have to excuse me. The updates have slowed down since I moved, and I apologize. I've been getting used to my new place and its taking some time to mesh the old routines with the new. Anyway. Winter 2010...first, the chart. You can find the chart here . Its kinda light on series. ...Even lighter on watchable series. Seikon no Quasar What It's About: The St. Mikhailov Academy student Oribe Mafuyu comes across a mysterious silver haired boy. He is called a Qwsaer, a being that draws power from Soma and is able to manipulate a specific element. And now, in the 21st century, the mystery revolving around an Icon turns the academy into the battlegrounds for the fight between ...