Bottom of the Pile: Oct. 21st, 2015

1872 If you can't guess what happens, Fisk is killed on the next page. This is actually pretty frustrating, as a storyteller. This whole story was meant to be about how righteous people have to live within the law--even when it'd be more convenient for them not to. Steve Rogers, "A Good Man", literally dies for this ideal. Red Wolf actually has the chance to kill him but changes his mind because he learned the value of working for an ideal, and what's good and just rather than placing himself above the law...only for Natasha to just pop up and go "lol fuck that". And Red Wolf's cool with it, which is the really maddening part. If the point is to set up that these two are on the same side but won't always get along due to a difference in ideology, I get it. But if its just "I could have done that", then it raises the question of why didn't Red Wolf just put a bullet in him to begin with. Either way, 1872's ending s...