Thanks, Internet (For Not Sucking)

Yet another new series of columns for JiH. Thanks, Internet (For Not Sucking) is a series of columns devoted to those precious times when the Internet does something awesome. A neat music video, a documentary series, fan made movies--anything I think deserves to get put on.

With that in mind, let's start with a classic trilogy of Internet videos.

I'm The Juggernaut Bitch


J3 Part One

J3 Part Two

J3 Part Three

I confess, these aren't the most high-brow videos I could have started with, but they're some of my favorite internet parodies of all time. Created by the guys over at myWay Productions, they have that special mix of randomness and stupidity that keeps me in stitches.

I didn't include J2 because I couldn't find Part One, but their website has all three up for download. Check it out there. (Also because J2 Part Two is kinda boring.)


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