New York Comic Con Day One Points of Interest

Ah, the New York Comic Con. Had I planned a tad better, I could've pulled off a trip, but I didn't realize Fall Break would line up with it so well. Perhaps next time. Anyway, I've got a bit (emphasize "bit") of free time, so I'm trying to get back into talking about points of interest somewhat reliably during conventions.

Here goes. Credit to CBR and Newsarama for all news.

X-Men Panel (CBR and Newsarama):

- A Jubilee and Wolverine mini-series? I want more Jubilee...but I don't want Wolverine. Still, I like Kathryn Immonen, she's a talented writer, and Phil Noto is immensely talented, so I'll give this a shot.

- The new X-Men arc will see them teaming up with Spider-Man. That appeals to me far more than the current arc, so I will be reading the new X-Men ongoing come January.

- Speaking of January, apparently they're back to events with 2011. Personal feelings? Bring back all the mutants. Stop dancing around the issue and do it. It's called Age of X, so it's either that or Marvel remembered the X-Men are heroes again.

DC Nation (CBR and Newsarama):

- The Speed Force title is mentioned again, but no release date yet. I'm guessing after Flashpoint.

- People like the new Wonder Woman costume? Okay, least ditch the jacket.

- Nuts. No Multiversity until they're done bringing Bruce Wayne back. >_<

- Can Blue Beetle have an ongoing? OF COURSE HE CAN. He's had more exposure than Superman lately.

- Teen Titans better be good now. First regular writer in, two years? Yeah.

Marvel T & A (CBR and Newsarama):

- Thing I Never Want To See: The Venom symbiote on the Hulk.

- The Immortal Weapons will be in the Secret Avengers book? Sweet! I LOVE Iron Fist.

- Iron Man #600? Who cares. Just keep making awesome stories. I need to catch up on Fraction's run, though.

Geoff Johns Spotlight (CBR and Newsarama):

- New Green Lantern crossover next year? I'm...not surprised. I read last year they already knew what they were doing after Brightest Day. Featuring John Stewart? Well...comic John is cool.

- "What are they going to do? Fire you?" Even the FANS know what time it is.

- Aquaman as leader of the Justice League? A shake-up like that would be awesome, but it requires the proper writer and artist.

- I love Geoff being involved in everything, but I worry about exhaustion for the guy. I mean, he does EVERYTHING.

- Is the Wonder Woman television show actually happening? I thought it was just "in development".

- Johns isn't writing for Green Lantern: The Animated Series? I...guess he's too busy, but at the same time, it seems a no-brainer to at least let him do the broad strokes.

- Come to that, I would rather have him do that over Smallville's Booster Gold episode, or the DCUO story. But those are written now, so I might as well move on.

- One or two DC movies a year? Like...a REAL movie? Bah. We need more DC cartoons. Hop to it DC.

- THERE IT IS. Speed Force debuts in the first half of 2011. Flashpoint too, but I already know where that's going.

- Speaking of the Speed Force, I love the character Hot Pursuit already. It's a no-brainer concept to invent a guy that keeps speedsters from exceeding a "speed limit".

- Don't get me started on this new Superman movie. Just, give me my Superman cartoon, please.

- Dex-Starr Valentine Special?! Ragecat on Valentine's Day. I would actually give that comic book to my girlfriend.

- Geoff and Grant on a book comes up again. I'm still highly concerned.

- Marvel/DC crossover? Sure. I want Amalgam comics again. Please?

- Geoff Johns on GL, Matt Fraction on Iron Man, and they do a one-shot team-up. I would require new pants, but sure.

- A Green Lantern/Flash crossover? Save that for post-Flashpoint and whatever the big Green Lantern story is. But I want one.

- Another Corps will get it's own series?? ...Please be Blue. Please. Please. Please be Blue. I'll buy two copies. I'm not joking.

DC Universe Animated Films/Shorts

- I have hope for All-Star Superman now. That is all.

Lastly, for today...the X-Men: Destiny trailer:

Response to the trailer, and the small amount of information given? Neat.

That's all for today.


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