Sage's Chosen Games Part Two

More trailers! More blurbs that you'll forget 30 seconds after you read them!

Kid Icarus: Uprising
System: Nintendo 3DS
Release: Unknown

Still another Nintendo game announced during E3. This time for Nintendo's soon-to-be released handheld system, the Nintendo 3DS, Kid Icarus seems to be a kick-butt action game that doesn't involve some annoying sob story that causes the main character to be a dick. Oh, and it's portable, which means I can actually play it instead of sticking it on a shelf to collect dust. *gazes at Final Fantasy XIII, sighs* The world looks fun enough, with a mix of flying and land levels, a wide variety of enemies to battle and a nice visual style. I just hope they take their time with it and get it right, even if Nintendo is missing a AAA launch game.

Heroes on the Move
System: Playstation 3
Release: Spring 2011

See, these are the sort of games we should be making. Does it make sense to have Sly Cooper, Jak, and Ratchet, in the same game? Nope. Does it look like it will be crazy, stupid fun to play? Yep. A platformer like this is a great way to show support for the Move, considering it's a PSN title and thus quite a bit cheaper than a complete game. Should they sucessfully merge what made all three of these games fun together, this could end up being the biggest downloadable title to date.

Sonic Colors
System: Wii, Nintendo DS
Release: November 16, 2010

No offense to people excited for Sonic 4 (are there any?), but this game looks SO much better. I just hate that it's Wii and DS only. It just feels SO much faster than the gameplay in Sonic 4, and the wisps that offer different superpowers look like they add tons of variety to the game. The Wii is a far weaker system, but it's kicking butt with some of these titles they got coming out lately.

System: PS3
Release: Q2 2011

So far, the best reason to get the Playstation Move, Sorcery is a no-brainer way of using Sony's motion control controller, which looks like a wand anyway. What REALLY sold me on this game? The ability to combine spells, essentially creating brand-new ones from their union. Time to go Dark Magician on some bad guys.

Kamen Rider Climax Heroes OOO's
System: PSP, Wii
Release: December 2, 2010

The Kamen Rider fighting game franchise gets it's third installment. Complete with an expanded roster (that's all Ryuki characters... >_<) and a port to the Playstation Portable, this looks to be the best of the series. Admittedly, this isn't saying much. Simulation games like this are all about playable character rosters, and they increase those with each new game. Still, I'm thinking up dream versus matches already.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3
System: Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Release: Q1 2011

If you're not excited about this game? You're not a gamer. Period. No excuses. No, "But I suck at fighting games!" I don't want to hear, "But Cyclops isn't in the game anymore so my team is ruined!" Mine too, get over it! This is one of the greatest franchises in gaming, and the gameplay looks as great as it always dead. With PS3/360-level graphics, new moves, and the extra characters that will eventually come with DLC, this game will probably be the new King of Fighters. Pun intended. (Also. Found my new team. Nope, not telling anyone until the game is actually out.)

Street Fighter vs. Tekken
System: Playstation 3
Release: 2011

I love mash-up games? The most popular fighting game of the SNES/Genesis era meets the most popular fighting game of the PS/N64 era. While I really wanted a Namco vs. Capcom fighter, I'm looking forward to this. There's also a Tekken vs. Street Fighter coming out later, utilizing Tekken's engine rather than SFIV's, but there will have to be considerable differences to get me to buy that one when I'll already have this one.

Mega Man Legends 3
System: Nintendo 3DS
Release: 2011

There isn't much known about this game, given it's just been announced this past week. Still, as one of my favorite Mega Man games ever, it's about time. More news as it develops.

...Jeez, there are a lot more fighters on this list than I would've expected, but as my free time lessens, they're more appealing. I still love RPGs, but man I just can't put 50-60 hours into a video game like I used to. (Schoolwork. And lack of an attention span. Gah.) Anyway, this is my list of chosen games for the next eight months or so. What are everyone else's?


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