C2E2 - Day Two

Okay, this is Day Two of the coverage and I'm a little late, but the last of my schoolwork is bearing down on me. I shouldn't even be doing this post, but making that 150 posts means I have to work a little harder than I might want. Ah well, its just me yakking about stuff I love. What's the problem, right?

- Christos Gage doing Spider-Man/Fantastic Four? With Mario Alberti on art. That's great and all, but I'd rather have Dan Slott. Gage did a great job on the last book, but why take a chance when you've already got someone who's done a great job?

Women of Marvel Panel:

- Okay, what's with this lately? What women's group got in the Big Two's ass so badly that they've been basically throwing out female comics and characters and anthologies left and right? I'm lost.

- There's something to Ms (Mrs.) Schaffer's point that "strong" female characters have often suffered some terrible trauma...but its not gender-neutral. Apparently the only way to have a bad-ass character is to make sure they've been through awful trauma. -_-

- LOL. Its easy to say there should be more women in comics, but everybody (in general) stutters once you bring up minorities. Whether they be male, female, or LGBT--suddenly even forward thinkers go, "Ah, fuck..." Because its REALLY hard to do it.

- Its going to be a slow process. Not just for women, but for anyone who isn't a white male. Because none of us were fed fantasy or superheroics. We were given romance (females) or "street stories" (blacks) or in some cases...absolutely nothing (LGBT), and thus as result the fans who are of a different race or gender or orientation found our way there on our own. No big deal, really.

- That people are still asking how white people can write better minorities or how can guys write women says something to me. And I'd repeat it, but its Sunday.

- "Can we see more She-Hulk (Jen Walters)?" GOOD FUCKING QUESTION. PAD's She-Hulk was one of my favorite comics. Then again, I'm just a fan of really sarcastic, self-aware characters like that, so Jen Walters is perfect to me.

- How can I, as a woman, break into comics, they ask. Most Popular Question In Comics, rephrased. Answer's always the same: Start. Writing.

Sidenote: My next girlfriend MUST be a comics fan. I can't take much more of this, "Oh, you like superheroes? ...Ok.*disinterested look*" stuff. I want one who gets excited and starts listing stuff I should read! >_<
Marvel Animation Panel
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Okay, the Marvel Animation Panel! This should be exciting. A LOT of big things have happened for Marvel, animation-wise, and people HERE should be able to actually ANSWER stuff. :D

- Newsrama's Poll...answer: Kree-Skrull War, if I have to do something that's an actual poll. Honest answer? Keith Giffen/DnA's Marvel Space epics.

- ...Season Two of Super Hero Squad was greenlit?! B...but they canceled Spectacular Spider-Man! WTF!

- Iron Man is indeed confirmed for a second season. This time 26 episodes. *sighs, depressed* Can the anime please get 26 episodes too? That'd be great, thanks.

- Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes...I'm hyped about this. They should have some pretty interesting stuff planned. Personally, I'd love to see a season focused on Kurt Busiek's run. Just one twenty-six episode season.

- ...The Black Panther cartoon aired in Australia? So, its online and being mocked then. Should've done Christopher Priest's version, and aired it on HBO.

- Dude, just say it. They wanted Spider-Man in-house, and are ALREADY pissed the character's movie rights aren't theirs, so they're remaking Spider-Man under this new brand, even though the base plot will be THE SAME. *sighs* I'm still interested, but they should at least ask Mr. Greg Weisman to, if not oversee, then write a few episodes. I mean, being perfectly fair...I like some of the ideas Bendis has incorporated; turning it into a modern-day Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends could be awesome in cartoon form.

- LOL. Misinformed fans are awesome. "Hey, Disney's making you do that kiddie crap Super Hero Squad, right?" Uhhh...dude, we were making that before the Disney deal even STARTED. Pay attention fans.

- Here's the question: More Marvel anime? Its really getting ahead of things, but if Iron Man's good, I'd LOVE to have a second season. Blade and Wolverine can piss off, but X-Men? Yes, please. Who else has seen the Japanese opening for the 90's series? Ohhh...epic win.

- Some fan wants more Ultimates animated? Why? The first two were awful--and the source material is one big movie! >_< Cup O' Joe :

- An Invaders mini-series by Alex Ross and Christos Gage?! I'm having Marvels flashbacks. Sounds awesome!

- Avengers: The Children's Crusade...Marvel wins an award for this project. Bringing back Allan Heinberg to the loved Young Avengers team while simultaneously handling the loose thread of the past five years of stories, with the Scarlet Witch. Its past time to bring her back into the fold. But, wow...bi-monthly with SIX ISSUES already done? So it'll take another six months to finish the three scripts that aren't done yet? Yeesh. Bi-monthly is not an option in comics today. But, hopefully it does well anyway.

- O.M.I.T. makes me feel like hiding somewhere. The fanrage will be massive. No one can write their way out of it.

- Buying Superman? Ugh. He really WOULD suck then.

- WTF's a third generation comics reader? More to the point, why do that at a con? Isn't that what the internet and LJs are for?

Brightest Day Panel's up next. Back to Comics That Matter!

Brightest Day

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- They're letting ROBINSON clarify the Starheart energy? Oh, goodness. *sighs*

- He's ALSO handling the JLA/JSA crossover? NO ONE complains about this??? F...*grumbles* I don't hate Robinson, he's just good on a specific set of characters and aside from that...crapshoot.

- I'm bugged by the whole male Hawk thing. You don't see too many women that act like Hawk--that character type is reserved for men.

- So the GA forest is, what...the Forest of Life?

- Someone's going to have to explain to me...and, indeed, everyone else, why the JLI members specifically don't remember Max Lord. WW, if no one else, SHOULD REMEMBER HIM.

- Someone's complaining about Flash #1 not tying in to Brightest Day? WTF. Okay, Barry WORE A BLUE RING. His greatest nemesis was revived because of Brightest Day. Expect something to come of that. -_-

- The newest Green Lantern storyline is about the Emotional Spectrum's entities? Great.

- Don't backpedal, Johns. You said "Brightest Day isn't a banner. It's a story." And it IS. Don't let Flash #1 not tying in take away from that.

- Why is Captain Boomerang skinny again? I got my own question: How come Flash fans ask such stupid questions?

- I'm with Geoff. I wanna see Catman and Hawk fight.

- Sinestro Corps War DVD? Yeah, and work should've started before now.

- Geoff's got plans for the Anti-Monitor...that's worrisome.

- So Geoff's doing the Reverse-Flash's plans in reverse. Hrm. Only time will tell how that will work out.

- Lex Luthor suffering from withdrawal after having the Orange Ring is a great concept.

- The Dibnys should be back, if nothing else, as Ghost Detectives. I think that's vital.

DC Universe Editorial Presentation

- Defining Doc Savage as a "great" Hero is nice and all, but I have a personal standard for Heroes (obviously), so if you don't match up, Azzarello, I'll be talking about it.

- Levitz's Legion of Super-Heroes should be awesome, but I wish someone would discuss us seeing, if no other, the Post Zero-Hour Legion. Seriously.

- JSA being bleak is...not what anyone fucking wants from the Justice Society of America.

- No more Year Ones? Shame. They're needed.

- Supergirl in the League? It ain't gonna work. Love how the League is supposed to "tie in" but he's got 4 years planned in advance. There's no way.

- Multiverse stuff in JLA? Could've sworn that was against the rules.

- Glad plans are in store for Captain Marvel.

Whew! That was a long one! Batman Panel, and then we're done for Day Two.

Batman Panel

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- The Lost Chapter of RIP? I thought we did that already? Blah.

- Announcements coming in October or November. Great. Like what?

- They're considering giving a costume change to Tim Drake. GOOD.

- Fall from prominence after Green Arrow/Black Canary? Ugh. Great idea, poor execution.

- Misfit's back!! I liked her! Vengeance!

- Hrm. Batman Beyond won't fit in "yet"? Me suspects some Time shenanigans.

That's Day Two! *whew* Lots of typing. Day Three tonight, or tomorrow maybe.

Thanks to CBR & Newsarama for doing the major work.


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