C2E2 - Day Three

Here is the beginning of my post.

This is so late its ridiculous. But wrapping up my first semester at college took precedence.

I want to mention the Mighty Crusaders ongoing featuring the Red Circle superheroes first. I was following The Web and The Shield back when they were initially announced, and I'm saddened that I never got back to reading those books monthly before they were canceled.

Still, the new DC (Entertainment) has found a place for these characters in one team book, likely the best place for them. There's a number of fans that will come to the book: Those who want more Red Circle stuff, fans of Eric Trautmann (me!), those who want to see more of The Shield and The Web, and Brandon Jerwa's fans.

Also, creating The Mighty Crusaders to be America's "government team"? Solid plan. Normally I avoid American "government" teams because I don't need to get hit over the head with conservative rhetoric about how patriotic heroes can be, nor do I want any liberal rhetoric that wastes my time bashing the government and their mistakes. I watch The Daily Show; I'm great on that, thanks.

That out of the way...let's start with the X-Men Panel.

X-Men Panel: (More Here)

- While Portacio becomes an artist on Uncanny X-Men in July. For whatever reason I'm alone in this, but I miss Land and Terry and Rachel Dodson already.

- MORE social commentary with the X-Men? Jay-Z said it once..."people want my old shit...buy my old albums." Nearly EVERY story that arises occurs because they're "feared and misunderstood by homo sapiens". Base conflict stems from it. Does it need to be anvilicious before fans are satisfied?

- X-23 by Ms. Marjorie Liu? Can't wait. Hopefully its not TOO "serious".

- Why is there a Mutants versus Vampires? >_<

- A returning status quo? WTF? Honestly, creators should just ignore fans sometimes.

That's that.

DC Town Hall Meeting
: (More Here)

- Sunday Conversations replaced with Town Hall meetings? I agree with this. DC doesn't need more nostalgia trips.

- 52 wasn't an event, but Brightest Day? Its got a half-dozen series with its name plastered over the top! And Geoff talking about "its not a banner, its a story".

- Every time a fan says, "I buy monthly issues & trades as well", it creates a problem. I'd love for someone to clarify that they buy issues because they want the series to continue, but prefer to buy a series in trades.

- Jim Lee is awesome. That's all that needs to be said. (Giving a man $20 because his comic store got gypped on the Lantern rings?)

- Flamebird, Nightwing, and Mon-El had no chance of catching on. Okay, first off: Flamebird and Nightwing got all sorts of speculation and people thought they were everyone from Conner and Bette Kane to Chris Kent and Inferno. We got Chris Kent and Thara, and the result is "World of New Krypton is a really great series isn't it?" Second, people dropped Superman & Action out of spite because Clark wasn't in it. The attention just wasn't coming.

- Its getting harder and harder to argue that DC doesn't want its Silver Age-era back. They ARE giving us new stories, but they've officially reclaimed all their icons and said, "We're using these. Deal."

- Want to lower the price of comics? Sell digital comics. The increased sales would, hopefully, mean you wouldn't have to charge so much.

- Now I want to hear more about this Weird World project. Talk to me Alex!

- Jim Lee's a very smart man. He's aware what the company's product needs to become more attractive to consumers.

Green Lantern and Flash panel now, FINALLY!

Flash/Green Lantern (More Here)

- Emerald Warriors has art by Fernando Pasarin?! That guy is AMAZING. The only person nearly as talented as Dale Eaglesham. (Well, others too, but still!)

- Who else sees GL55's description of Lobo versus Atrocitus and goes, "...Gargh."

- Blue Lantern Barry...returning? Is that remotely possible? Would be crazy, but I'd love it.

- Lantern Cereal? Who wants Rage Flakes?

- Appears there could be more resurrections in Brightest Day, but the deaths are done. Hm.

- Would have been great to get more info from Flash, but at the moment Flashpoint is keeping it all a secret.


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