Legion Lost 1 Thoughts

Legion Lost

Fabian Nicieza
Artist: Pete Woods

What the sprock is going on?! I don't mean that literally--I realize many people have been struggling with understanding exactly what happened in this issue. That's not really my problem.

My problem is that it's not what it could, or should be. Fabian Nicieza is capable of some amazing work, and he normally does even better writing a young cast. And while we're at it, Pete Woods is one of my favorite artists of all time.

This should've been a gorgeous book featuring a cast of some of the most beloved superheroes in comics kicking butt and taking names. A solid superhero title that was, if not mind-blowing, at the very least an example of how awesome a well-written superhero story could be.

Instead, this is kind of a mess. I mean, I know who these guys are, but that's mostly because I'm a Legion of Super-Heroes fan to begin with. Matt Fraction used to introduce the X-Men with tiny yellow boxes that would state the characters name, their powers, and a tiny description of who they were (or their current mood, for jokes). Great idea considering the team's cast changed completely from issue to issue, and one that would've done great in this book. That way we don't have to put dialogue about what their powers are so we can know how they're flying.

Plus...more set-up please? I've heard of in media res, but this is like we missed an issue. We clearly missed the introduction of the team, what the threat is, and what the heroes need to do besides "catch that guy".

Because this is the Legion, I'll read the next issue, but if things don't straighten out, I'll have to drop it. To be honest having the Legion stranded outside their normal time felt more like a mini-series idea to begin with.


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