Batgirl #1 Thoughts (Minor Spoilers)

Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: Ardian Syaf

The most controversial book in the relaunch, and unfortunately proof that from the very beginning Dan Didio kind of wanted to return all the comic characters to who they were in the 60's. Well, now that it's here, how does it stack up?

Well, to be honest...pretty decently, if not perfectly. Simone shows us a Batgirl who (rightfully) suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but who also refuses to give up being a hero when there are people she can help. It's a good opening issue--showing us who Barbara Gordon is, what she was and hopes to become again. It introduces a supporting cast, a main villain, and gives our hero a base of operations. (Actually, very few comics managed to accomplished all this in this New 52, now that I think about it...)

The problem--if there must be one--is that this was a project Gail took out of...I want to say, responsibility. Any hardcore comic fan that isn't a mindless fanboy knows that Gail initially didn't want this project. And probably would prefer if Barbara were still Oracle*, and Bryan Q. Miller was writing Stephanie Brown as Batgirl while she did Firestorm and something Captain Marvel or Plastic Man-related.

But this was something that DC was going to make happen. So she wanted the chance to do it right. And I'm guessing (admittedly I could be wrong) that that's why some bits and pieces seem...wrong? Gail's a fantastic writer, and it shows but there are awkward bits of dialogue here and there (particularly when she's Batgirl**) and the climax of the issue feels...forced? I guess that's the best way to put it.

But I have faith in her to bring this series up to the same level Bryan Q. Miller did, and thankfully she already has a great artist to keep the book looking amazing while she does. Looking forward to the next issue.

* A quick note about Oracle: After Gail's recent "Death of Oracle" plotline there was absolutely no reason to keep her in the wheelchair. She's "more useful" as Oracle? Really? Gail killed the concept of Oracle off in the DCU, so basically she was only helping a handful of people. The only reason left to keep her in the wheelchair was to keep her as a role model. A valid reason, but when every male superhero that's ever been put in a wheelchair is now walking while the most well-known female superhero isn't? Do we really want to send that kind of statement?

** It occurs to me the Barbara Gordon dialogue sounded much more natural and like the character Gail Simone's been writing for ages now. Maybe the Batgirl dialogue is Babs putting on a show or adopting a stronger persona to deal with what happened to her? If so, then that's a brilliant way of showing how there's no way such a traumatic event would be so easily shrugged off.

The last thing I want to talk about is the fact that Gail didn't cover just exactly HOW Barbara started walking again. This left many readers dissatisfied, but the truth is...there's no possible answer that would've satisfied everyone. The answer that we're given, in that case, works as well as any other. (The truth is: DC wanted her to, and obviously that answer can't be used here.)


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