Wednesday Hotness

I've been a little under the weather lately. (By which I mean, each time I attempt to accomplish stuff, I pass out.) Also, I got rather burned out on writing after the blitz that was DC's relaunch and E3.

But I'm awake, and I figured I'd might as well post up a new Hotness. It's not Monday, but leave me alone. I slept through most of Monday...and Tuesday. No, I'm not sure why.

Inititally, I thought about doing this particular edition centered around booth babes. But then I remembered that booth babes are kinda offensive to me. Nothing against hot women, just...come on. We're already surrounded by AAA video games that aren't even out yet. Why is there a need to pander to our baser instincts?

Nothing against the women themselves, mind you. I'm sure they're all lovely girls who just see this as a fun way to make some extra cash. That's cool. It's the fact that developers seem to think they NEED them to push a video game at me. Meh.

Y'know what would be cool to me? If they found some sexy, geeky girls that already cosplay to do these jobs. They're *already* doing this, but why shouldn't they get paid for their hard work? Maybe some companies are already doing this (doubtful)--I couldn't say. I just think it'd be cool if instead of hiring some random models for the job, we got girls like these:

I wouldn't have thought Olivia Munn had the thighs for Chun Li. Huh. Also? The girl who built that Lightning costume? We Are Not Worthy. Gorgeous lady and sick attention to detail. I'm past impressed; staring at stunned.

But I'm gonna go ahead and point out that while you still NEED to pay them, you probably could have gotten cosplay fans like these for free. Much like most gamers, the promise of getting their hands on the newest games before EVERYONE else would be payment enough.

Also, while this isn't cosplay, it's still gaming in it's native element, I feel I should post this:

They're playing XBox games, but I forgive them.


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