Guy Test (NSFW Vid.)

I ran a brief search for Vampirella and found...this. I wasn't surprised, as she's known for having women do cosplay with her costume (...and people whine about Kara Zor-L's outfit...), but seeing it was a two minute video kinda made me wonder if there might be a story involved.

After sitting through the full video, I realized I was more of a Stupid Guy than I care to admit. Coming to THAT fact made me realize the video could serve as a Guy Test for all of us. (No, very little changes in the whole two minutes.)

Voluptuous Vampirella - Watch more Funny Videos

So, here's the test:

< 10 seconds: There's three possible answers for this: You're very much in love right now and no other girl can compare, you're very, very married, or lastly, you're gay and haven't come to terms with it. Not to be hetero about this...but if that girl couldn't keep your attention for at LEAST ten There's nothing wrong with being gay, though--be proud of who you are!

10-30 seconds: Minimum Guy Level. Means you can probably tell when women are lying to you about how handsome you are, and when guys tell you how "cool" you are.

30 seconds to a minute: Above-Average Guy Level. Occasionally you actually fall for the bullshit people feed your ego, men and women alike. That or you REALLY appreciate an attractive body.

1-2 minutes (full length): Congratulations. You've aced (or failed, depending on how you wanted to score) the Guy Test. You're probably overconfident, get into stupid pissing contests, and are an unabashed fan of Baywatch. (You don't even bother telling people its "because of the great writing".)

I don't watch Baywatch, but if I DID I would admit its because I enjoy the bouncing. So yeah, I'm depressed, but I'm apparently a Full on guy. Great. Crack open some Bud Light and let's drive down to Hooters. *sighs*

(Incidentally, I'd love it if a girl could come up with a counter test for this based on how long they watched.)


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