Song of the Day - Kanye West: Glory

Okay, enough of this break-up nonsense. Time to switch to something more upbeat.

If you're wondering why I like Kanye West, especially after the little "gay fish" episode they did of South Park or whatever, the opening line of this song should help.

"Can I talk my shit again/Even if, I don't hit again/Dawg, are you FUCKING kidding?"

That. The confidence, the arrogance--THAT resonates with me. I've been an arrogant guy for years now, so Kanye's "I'm better than you" lyrics always make me chuckle, and he says them with such conviction you really believe that he's the best sometimes. (It ain't TRUE, but if he can make you believe it, that's talent.) I know South Park got on him because of his arrogance and I guess it could be toned down a little in real life, but in his songs? FUCK THAT. That's what makes him stand out--I LOVE it.

Anyways--video time, people!


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