Music Video of the Day - dream: My Will

I'm making no secret of this. Yes, I love a J-Pop girl band. Specifically, dream.

Sure, make jokes about how I have bad taste. I don't care, dream does harmonization like nobody's business, and they sound absolutely amazing. I haven't heard much from "New dream", but I know the original group was great. Here is another case of an anime having awesome opening and endings but itself being...well, crap.

Inuyasha was one of the more annoying things to pop up during the anime boom. Kind of the anime version of Twilight--having sparked a possibly neverending source of annoying tween fangirls (and boys! ...Somehow...) who have an undying devotion to a series full of prettyboy putzes. (Miroku was cool though. And Sango was hot. If they were in some other series, I wouldn't mind.)

Anyway, dream was definitely one of the cooler endings Inuyasha had, along with the DAI EDs, so I had to put this one up. Enjoy. (No comment on the dancing, aside from...the obligatory, "...Hot.")


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