Song(s) of the Day: Jackson 5 Edition

So yesterday I did some of MJ's hits as a solo act. But you know he was inspiring people through his music in a group act with the Jackson 5 for years prior to that. Kids these days probably don't know that, but I can almost guarantee you they've sung a Jackson 5 song at some point in their lives. And while I've never had that many Jackson 5 songs myself, I DO have some favorites. Hit the jump.

Never Can Say Goodbye. A definite classic. Admittedly, I'd never heard it before I copped the Man in the Mirror mixtape, but here's one we've all heard, no doubt. (This one's a live.)

The Jackson 5's "I Want You Back". Gotta love it.

Lastly, there's this one, which I really wanted to do after I heard little MJ do the chorus on Rhymefest's song.

As good as Bill Withers' version.

....Now I gotta toss THAT in. Know where your stuff comes from, folks. I ain't like all these people who've never wrote a song in their life but are constantly talking shit about people who *dare* to sing a cover ("Make up something of your own!" Ugh. Morons.), but I WILL say that you need to know your music history. Prior to MJ's death, somewhere there were people who believed that Fall Out Boy created Beat It, and that's kinda depressing.


Enjoy folks.


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