Oh Shit, Its E3! (Day Three)

So its the last day of E3 and I'm pretty sure its all but over, but I'm hoping there are at least a few surprises. As always I'm only talking about the games I actually give a crap about, or if nothing else I find noteworthy. So don't expect a super long list.

And here is the rest of it.

- The new DJ Hero game looks kinda sweet, I have to admit it. I actually saw this on Day One, but I felt it was worth mentioning. CRAZY difficult, and I can already see the backlash of the "heads" who think you should go spend months of your life to actually learn turntabling. Which isn't a TOTALLY bad idea, but the thing is I'd never do more with it than put it on the list of "cool shit I can do"--just so I could be DJ SageShini, ya know? Anyhow. I was thinking the game would be all hip-hop, but they appear to have gone back to the roots of turntabling, using a mix of dance, electronica, and hip-hop. The video I saw on Day One on G4 had a mash-up of a Gwen Stefani song and Rick James' "Give It To Me"--hopefully I can find a better song to mash-up with that disco classic, but even though I think I'm going to SUCK at this game at first, once I saw I had the chance to link all that stuff up like that, I couldn't resist being interested. No idea of the release date, but I wants it.

- Dragon Age: Origins is, shockingly enough, a BioWare RPG I'm actually interested in playing. Apparently a "spiritual successor" to Baldur's Gate, you're out to save the world as a member of a group called the Grey Wardens from the Blight. Admittedly, talks of the game being "dark" do not engender me to the game as a whole, but I've surprisingly yet to actually get my hands on a game that allows one to walk the path of the Hero or the (*cough*loser*cough*) villain. Could be interesting if the ending comes out right. I got to see a group of heroes take down a dragon in the trailer I watched on G4, which was actually pretty sweet. Plus the game appears to be pretty lengthy with an expected 80 hours of gameplay. Even if that's only 40 hours for the good side and 40 hours for the evil side, that's STILL 40 hours of play for me; can't complain about that. Game's due later this year.

- Little King's Story is, if nothing else, rather cute sounding. I like the idea of getting a chance to create a kingdom almost from scratch, all the while taking out the less king-like...kings. Only downside is that the game is kind of simplistic for my tastes. Still, simplistic doesn't ALWAYS mean bad.

Lastly, a little sidenote that's not related to an ACTUAL game:

* After seeing a number of racing games being discussed at this year's E3 (Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport, Split/Second), I realize I don't mind racing games, but they need to have a "hook" to it. All that realism crap? No thanks. To hook me you need to throw any semblance of realism to the curb, then maybe you have a chance. What I'd really like is a futuristic, Jetsons/F-Zero-type game with *extremely* high levels of customizations (I love micromanaging and upgrading, I admit it) featuring nothing but kick-ass hover cars that go at speeds of 500-1000MPH, easy on tracks that are all suspended in mid air.

WTF Link for Day 3 - You mean we CAN'T molest the totally virtual kids in this game? Well, why not!? I can still shoot an old lady in the FACE in GTA4! You're slacking, Molyneux. (I'm totally joking. Do not have Chris Hansen send me an IM talking about meeting with
a 8 year old.)

- This one's a bit short, but the fact is its Day 3. I wasn't actually AT E3 (obviously), but allow me to take a guess about what the people who WERE there have to do. See, to actually get INTO E3, you can't just be a really big fan of video games(this ain't the Tokyo Game Show). You have to be a member of a decently large gaming site or magazine. And like any large convention, the place is a madhouse and no doubt all journalists/writers have a schedule of about a billion places to be to conduct interviews and play specific demos so they can give us on the outside their thoughts. This insane (though fun) schedule is exhausting in itself, but then you have to toss in the fact that the internet has created a "gimme NOW!" culture, so on top of all the running around they have to do, they're expected to report on the biggest games that the largest amount of people will be interested in on the very days that E3 are occurring, so instead of going back to their hotel rooms and collapsing until morning, they have to head right in and start typing up thoughts and reports on shit. Sure there are more games, but they gotta get the "important" stuff done first.

As I'm sure I've said elsewhere, I'm generally not that intrigued by the same shit the larger gaming population is. That's not to be non-conformist or anything, I just don't feel like punching a hooker in the face or being a part of an organized crime mob. To make a long story short (if there's still time), what I'm trying to say is that reports on a LOT of games actually won't even be in until the weekend, or even mid next week, and I can almost count on the fact that a number of those games will be the ones I'm actually interested in talking about.


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