Alyssa Marie - Heartbeat

It's unfortunate, but historically there hasn't been much of a place for female artists in hip-hop.  It's a fairly male-dominated industry, despite the fact that women buy most of the CDs these guys sell.  Occasionally, a female emcee will surface, but it's a real shame that it seems like they have to be ten times as good as your average male rapper to even get your attention.  Fortunately Alyssa Marie has got that requirement covered in spades on her new mixtape, Heartbeat.

Eleven brand-new, unheard tracks from the Massachusetts-based rapper that each give a different view of the artist's grasp of lyrical flow and ability, you can pick it up on PureVolume for free or you can buy it off Bandcamp for $7.  Yeah it's a free album, but there's no such thing as an artist that can live off download clicks.   And make no mistake, it's only CALLED a mixtape--with eleven tracks and only one feature and none of the beats borrowed from other, more popular songs, it's another one of those "albums masquerading as a mixtape" that have become so popular amongst artists lately. 


Now, I meant to run this last month when her album first dropped, but I've been super-busy lately.  This month is SUPPOSED to be the month I get back in touch with Japanese music (so far so good, just got Masami Okui's album Love Axel) so I'll try to distance myself from American music for just a little bit....riiiight after I post one about one more mixtape.  


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