Overcoming the OK Plateau

This is something I don't often discuss with people: I'm rarely satisfied with my accomplishments.

That makes me like quite a few people, to be honest. The connecting line with them, however, is that people like that are usually very successful. Not being satisfied with one's accomplishments leads to continuously trying to outdo those accomplishments, leading to excellence, which is great. Most people excel at something, or a few things--they find out what their special skills are and choose to become greater at those skills. This leads to fame, money, whatever.

In my case, I feel like I'm not satisfied because, more often than not, I don't feel I'm that great at a given task to begin with. I've always felt like a B+ student. IE, I'm above-average at most things, but not amazing at anything.

Usually, that's because I reach a plateau in a given skill, or craft, and with no idea how to surpass that plateau, I stay at that level, while others overcome that same level and reach greater heights; a fact that frustrates me to no end.

Earlier however, I discovered that this is not an uncommon problem (at least, reaching a plateau), and learned that there are steps any person can take to overcome it. Check out the video below if you're curious, or share my problem:

I'll be going over those steps in the future as I seek to improve my own abilities to get better at certain tasks. Already ideas are percolating in my head on what I can start improving on first. And hopefully this will help anyone else that sees this as well.


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