Jumping in Headfirst Upcoming...

Unfortunately, I haven't written nearly as many updates as I would've liked for the summer, but stuff's coming. This is both a heads up and a way of pushing myself into doing all these column ideas by showing them to people:

- Project Otaku Powerlevelling Part 11-50. It's continued, but I haven't talked about it. You'll see.

- What Makes An Epic Childhood. (Working title.) A few entries discussing my favorite childhood topic--cartoons.

- Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. A few months out from series end, I discuss what I loved about Sentai '09, my favorite so far.

- SDCC Day Three, Four, and Extra. Self-explanatory.

- Why Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is one of my favorite anime of all time. Again, self-explanatory.

- Fairy Tail: New Member of the Shonen Hall of Fame.

- Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn. Might save this for the second ep's release, but it's one of the biggest anime releases this year. Can't avoid talking about.

Not quite 50 more columns, which definitely means I'm shy the 90+ more I need to reach my goal of 150, but I'll get there. *hopeful*


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