Project Otaku Powerlevelling: An Update
No, I did not stop Project Otaku Powerlevelling. Despite several setbacks, I continued on and made my way through quite a few series. Unfortunately, I failed. I did NOT complete all fifty series by the time school started this morning, much as I would've liked to. I could make excuses. Believe me, I've got a doozy, but--that's not going to change the fact that I only made it through 42 series. The list was altered heavily to accomodate for changing tastes, lack of links, etc. etc., but I finished a total of 42 series, and time permitting I'll be doing write-ups about those over the school year. I also have some other projects that I won't get into yet, but I'll be posting up soon. I apologize for my failure, JiH-ers. There are a few more series I'll finishing, but they won't count towards the finished shows. I'd commit otaku harikari or something, but I'm not sure what that would involve. Slicing up a full-body pillow of Haruhi? ...I...