Project Otaku Power-Levelling: Part 2

It continues! This one's a bit shorter. I'll be going by what I actually finished on a given night, so this time its just one addition. I'd intended to do more than one, but I got invited to see Iron Man 2. (Thought it was great; see it for yourself.)

Anyways! My second night involved finishing Gunsmith Cats before I left home.

Gunsmith Cats

Right back to the 90's again for an OVA that's well-known by anyone who started watching anime pre-Gundam Wing, or just anyone that enjoys knowing their history.

Another example of how researching the series somewhat would be helpful--both I and my watching partner Traveler believed the series was *actually* about catgirls! Can't say I wasn't disappointed (slightly), but I'd be lying if I said I cared after episode one.

Watching this OVA, I suddenly longed for a return to stuff like this. We got fanservice without being beaten over the head with it. The girls were cute without being preteens (I don't mind this stuff but eventually it gets WAY old), and the action was well-choreographed and frequent.

I wish there were more of it, but really Gunsmith Cats is several steps over and above the last two OVAs. It introduces characters, develops them, keeps a running continuity without introducing elements that stand no chance at being followed up on, and introduces a villain capable of being a credible threat and got rid of them in a respectable manner, all in three episodes.

Oh, and the characters were LIKABLE. This is important. In this age of twintails, no female character over the age of 16 is ever likable without having serious problems. Its almost jarring, really.

Hopefully some day they'll do a TV series of this--knowing what can be done in animation now, plus this plot--it would be freaking legendary.

That's all for now. I've got two more of these in me, plus possibly a three-part series that's really just nostalgia flashbacks--depends on how much I want to spend the time on writing them, honestly.


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