Jumping in Headfirst: Year Three

With January here now, this means Jumping in Headfirst is quickly approaching its third year on the web. I'm not entirely sure what that's supposed to mean, besides my being another opinionated arse on the internet, like all the other people with a weblog.

However JiH has changed, and its owner has changed as well. Over 2009, I've added several new columns, a lot of which, sadly, only received 1 or two entries in 2009.

For myself, it was a really big year. I had my fifth relationship crash and burn in amusingly tragic fashion, and though there's quite a bit left to say, any sufficient analysis of the relationship would come off as bitter grapes since it was her that dumped me...that having been said...Jess? I think you were right, and I'm somewhat annoyed at you for being so.

Ah well. Of much more importance than the latest in my "ain't gonna make it" series of relationships, I've moved! After nearly sixteen years of living in the country (trees, deer, and bunnies), I'm now in town. This is a huge deal to me as I've spent a decade and a half nearly completely isolated from the world.

So having shook loose the dead weight (do I mean the house, or the ex? there's the mystery), for this new year I'll be on some brand-new shit like Rhymefest. (...That reminds me...where's El Che, Che? No excuses son. Stop beefing with clowns that are out there getting KO'ed by females at small clubs and get to work.)

As of January 6th I'll be back in school, as a Freshman in college. I didn't really want to attend State, but its really all the same the first year and a half or so no matter where you're at, so I may as well be at home.

I won't lie to you. It will be a little while before I'm acclimated to college--the routine, the courses, the homework, possible...*laughs*...extracurricular activities. (I laugh because I tried that before in HS and failed miserably, but who knows?) However, I'll be doing my best to update this a lot more.

In 2008 my goal was to have a post a week, average. I think I got that, with over a month to spare. This past year I fell far short of that, with my Music/Video of the Day posts not counting since I feel they're like cheating. This year, however, I'm aiming for, at least, 150 posts.

They may not be long. They may not be anything more substantial than geeky stuff, but still! Music Video and Song of the Day articles will be changed. So many of them were retconned in anyhow, its embarassing. They'll now be Music Video of the Week and Song of the Week.

TheLinkUp articles will become weekly and will return, even if I'm only posting a few links each time. I may try to add commentary, though I kinda feel like that's cheating, its a pretty common practice on other sites.

Technically, that leaves me with less than 50 entries to write, but I don't want to just rely on those two articles, so I'll be steadily working my way towards 150 other articles. Some seldom added to columns will be updated, a few totally random articles will appear, and of course my favorites are coming back.

The last change I'll be making to this place is, now that the site has sort of gotten its feet wet, and I've done several dozen articles, I'm going to start showing this to more people, and hopefully generate some traffic. I really didn't want too many people to check it out the first year, the second was more or less just for me really, but with this stepping up, I kinda feel its worth showing off.

All that said, I bid you all a Happy New Year. Have fun, be safe, and don't get TOO wasted. (And have a designated driver. Trust Safety Sage, and find a Straight Edge friend.) I'll see you here again soon. Put this on your RSS feed folks.


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