Song of the Day - Masami Okui: I was born to fall in love

Whew. All this young person stuff is starting to get to me. Let's go for something from a little further back than this decade to finish out this week.

And here we are, with The Queen of Music (I could've stuffed this entire week with her stuff...seriously) and one of her really early songs from her very first album, Gyuu. That places this song at about...1994, or so? Back when NGE was just another giant robot series. Back before people knew what a "digisub" was. And, in a way, back when anime was almost...magical to us folks over here in the West. Kind of a golden age, really.

Heh, 'course, all that's quite before my time. Really when this song first came out I was still watching Power Rangers and Spider-Man: The Animated Series. But, a few years later, right around the time the anime boom was really hitting America (1999-2000), I started watching one of my favorite series, Sorcerer Hunters. Lovely show I'll talk about more later, but, much like the avid moviegoer, one of my most favorite parts of buying a new VHS tape to continue the show, was actually the previews that came before it. They gave me a glimpse into so many other shows--so many other worlds that I wanted to know more about.

One of those shows was Compiler, where Masami Okui did one of my favorite songs (with one of my favorite titles), I was born to fall in love. Have a look-see:

Very 80's-ish kinda song, don't you think?


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