
Showing posts from 2019

How Some YouTubers Are Elevating The Digital Medium

It's funny to think there was a time where I actively ignored YouTube. Partially because I lived too far away from the city for broadband, and partially because I was young and going out of my way to be contrarian, I spent years trying to avoid even making an account. Eight years later, YouTube is the place where I consistently consume the most video content.  I get domestic and international news there, watch podcasts and interviews, and even study new things through the video platform. After years of attempts from family and friends, YouTube even sucessfully got me into sports via ESPN and Fox Sports 1's sports analysts helping me understand the "characters" and "stories" of basketball and football. (I will forever ignore baseball.  Sorry not sorry.) But as with most things you experience for a long time, it's hard not to start critiquing. It's not intentional--it's something instinctual that happens in the back of your mind. As the newness of ...