I'm still getting the hang of doing what I do with comics for anime, but I'm getting closer. Instead of focusing on *everything* I'm watching and basically getting nothing done, I'm instead going to look at a max of seven series per season. Currently two of those slots are being occupied by Dragon Ball Super and Macross Delta, so that means five series a week. For this season, that means: 91 Days, Arslan Senki: Fuujin Ranbu, Active Raid S2, Alderamin of the Sky, and Tales of Zestiria the X. This might be subject to change as I'm still not attached to some of these series enough to see them through to the end, but for now that's what I'm going for. Week 3 and 4 will hopefully be up later this week, along with Bottom of the Pile for last week as well as this week, and then Macross Delta Spotlights will make a resurfacing...sooner or later. I've got nine episodes stacked on my head and it'll be ten before I can catch all the way up. ...